Press release for Thursday, May 30th, 2024

Thursday, May 30th, 2024

Press Release:

Harry Welty will file for Congress this morning at the Secretary of State’s office for Minnesota’s 8th congressional District which will pit him against Congressman Pete Stauber in the August 13th Republican Primary. It is Mr. Welty’s fourth attempt to unseat Stauber prompted by Stauber’s support of former President Trump despite Trump’s call for the January sixth, 2001, attack on the Nation’s Capital.

According to Welty, “Unlike Pete Stauber who twice broke his oath to God to defend our democracy, Harry Welty never thought treason was ‘our way of life.’” So says a bookmark advertising Welty’s recently published book “Not your usual Republican.” Subtitled “Pro-Trump = Anti-Lincoln,” the book’s sales will be used to finance the Welty campaign.

Welty is a household name in Duluth, a city that accounts for one third of the vast Eighth Congressional District’s vote. He has served on the Duluth School board for three terms and brought suit against the Duluth District when it denied voters a chance to vote on a half billion dollar school building plan in 2008. A locally celebrated snow sculptor Welty is also a writer and active blogger at The first page of Welty’s book notes that polls show that 65% of Americans fear for the nation’s democracy. Welty is calling on all Eighth District voters regardless of party preference to vote in the upcoming August 13th Republican primary. This Minnesota voting right can assure that Congressman Stauber’s name will not appear on the Republican ballot in the Fall election.

For more information contact Harry Welty at:

XXX-XXX-XXX or email him at

More information can be found at or

Photo of Welty available from his Flickr account:

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