a pimple on a cancer swimming in infected pus

That’s Pete Stauber.

I popped a lot of them when I was an adolescent. No big deal…….unless you have a political party swimming in them like so many of Woody Allen’s sperm in one of his early movie comedies.

I may change this opening later. My column in the recent Reader is all about my candor. This one will be candid when I get around to writing it.

It will be the genesis of my next column which I’ve been mulling over since I sent in the last one. I’ve got a corner of my floor with dozens of column ideas. And to think I will have to start paying for a small ad in the Reader to encourage people to read what I can’t publish there for the three months I’m attacking a well financed pimple like Pete.

For a couple years one of the column ideas has been about how critical it is in a Democracy to have political parties willing to lose elections. We only have one party willing to lose in America today. They are the Democrats and the many years they have watched elections stolen from them are adding up. Imagine how galling it is for them to see an SOB like Trump try to steal an election on Jan Sixth that he lost fair and square and then turn around and accuse Democrats of stealing it from him.

I am a man of words more than videos as the previous post makes clear. I’ve been writing a book all through the Trump years trying to synthesize and refine an explanation of how the Party of Lincoln became the infection in which the cancer Trump immersed himself covered with pimples like Pete Stauber. And as my column says there is no way Economist, Mom, legislator Jen Schultz will make that truth as filthy clear as I just have.

I have been toting up the depredations of the GOP in my head for decades. As my book makes the case circuitously the GOP was swallowed up by the descendants of the confederates who bought in to the practical advice: “If you can’t beat them, join them.” This was followed by successive waves of purges to give America what my damned baby boom population wanted. Two diametrically opposed parties. Black and White. Good and Evil. Trusting and Duplicitous.

I preferred Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum the Alice In Wonderland twins that Boomers took to calling two parties which each back in the day strived for the middle. Now they strive to strangle a middle that is all Kumbaya, cooperation and consensus. My next column will be all about that turn for the worse and is reinforced with a post I got from Hartmann Report which details how the Republicans have kept cheating the system with the help of unleashed billionaires.

It was sent to me on Facebook and I had a devil of a time copying it to keep it straight. It’s all behind a paywall which means it only peeks out when someone shares it.

I’ll write my column tomorrow and maybe give it rough draft treatment today. BUT my top priority is getting a reasonably clean copy of my book on Kindle. My 16 year old grandson has been steering me in the right direction but I’ll need help to expedite the process. It is the key to my raising money with a book of many colors……anecdotes which dance around everything I’ve written in this post.

See ya later.

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