Rather astonishing

Its after ten in the evening and I’m bushed. I’ve had a couple of stunning days and the little kid smiling at his grandfather in a series of photos which are playing back on a video screen has just uploaded my book to Kindle and set up a Shopify page to sell my paperbacks on my campaign website. Its not quite yet ready for sales but Its several weeks earlier than I expected. I also got my first volunteer knocking on doors today. This person was in the finance end of the State Education Department when I raised hell about the machinations that bulldozed the Red Plan. I didn’t know who she was when she volunteered for my campaing but was shocked to recognize her name…..knew it before she even mentioned it. She was someone who knew I knew what I was talking about when I took the School Board to court. I was humbled and honored to have her volunteer in the crusade to save us from a much bigger Keith Dixon.

And after three short days I have half as many of my lawn signs up as I put up two years ago when people thought I’d put up a million of them because they are the best political signs most people have ever seen. I have three months left to put them all up and have an easier to put up sign being created for the larger District.

I’m going to squeeze in fifteen minutes of French. I can’t wait to visit the French embassy when I’m in Congress.

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