Welty Campaign prospectus


Goals ultimate to more immediate
Change the trajectory of the Republican Party in Congress for one or two terms.
Win November General election

Win August 13 primary

By August 1st be recognized in every Minnesota County in the 8th District as an interesting alternative candidate for Congress

By July 1st Have my name beginning to reach all corners of the US where receptive audience is tempted to buy Not your usual republican and or make a contribution to the Welty campaign

By June 1st Have sold at least 5000 books at $25 and be in preparation to print more.

Week by week through May have a chain mail sales force to raise

By May 11th have 500 pre-sales of Not your usual Republican

By May 4th have my websites with donation buttons at the ready to accept donations for the congressional campaign.

Goals for Campaign materials

Have 100 large lawn signs set up by end of May in Duluth

Have 1000 small lawnsigns available for distribution beyond Duluth

By June 1st have a car for Harry’s use through August 13th.

And of course, have raised enough in donations to cover these expenses.

Catching eyes

First Duluth lawn signs the rebar beasts
(Its on the book cover two lines down only it won’t have Jen Schultz’s name on it…to start with)
Second Duluth small vinyl Lawn signs being designed something like this.

Paperback book

Online www.weltyforcongress.com (as of this posting down but soon to return from the dead)

Ongoing activities

Scheduling Welty to travel the District putting up signs and selling book and lining up democratic, independent and sensible moderate republican votes for the open primary on August 13th

In May – Welty will use his charm to put up 50 or more big signs throughout Duluth

He will also seek out dozens if not more people to buy 1 to four books for themselves or others. Sales go to Welty Press which Harry will use to buy more books and with residue more campaign funds from his personal profits from book sales.

Donations are encouraged on his campaign website Welty4Congress

Donations will be encouraged on the last page of his eBook on Kindle.

Sales of eBooks will also be available for campaign spending from the candidate/publisher.

For Duluth voters the vast majority of whom know or or know Harry these could be the pitches to buy a paperback (and possibly make a donation)

Who should spend $25.00 on Harry’s book?

1st criteria

Anyone who won’t miss a meal buying his book.

2nd criteria

Anyone who

A. Wishes for the Republican party of their parent’s youth – Reagan
……………………………..grandparent’s youth – Eisenhower
………………………..Great-grandparent’s youth – Teddy Roosevelt
…………………..of the Republican party’s youth – Lincoln

B. Wishes to teach cynical politicians a lesson.
C. Wishes republicans didn’t hate Democrats
D. Is grateful for Harry’s role in protecting charter schools in Duluth
E. Admires Harry’s tireless opposition to Donald Trump
F. Has smiled while passing one of Harry’s snow sculptures
G. Has smiled a thousand times while passing Harry’s snow sculptures
H. Has taken a photograph of Harry’s snow sculptures to send to friends
I. Has read a Welty column and thought to themselves. That’s not half bad or maybe I agree.
J. Was glad Harry defended democracy when denied a right to vote on the Red Plan
K. Voted for Harry before and didn’t regret the vote.
K. Is jealous of Harry’s staying power and ability to hackysack at age 73.
L. Would like a memento of Duluth history for the period 1974-2024
M. Is really curious to see what an irrepressible fellow like Harry will do in the stinky Congress of recent memory.
N. Can think of some other reason not already on this list.

Who should spent $5.00 on Harry’s Kindle book online?

1st criteria:

Anyone who won’t miss a meal buying his book.

2nd criteria

Anyone who

A. meets any of the criteria from the previous list

About the author