Resource Limit Is Reached – not hardly……

I have an annual physical with my doctor this morning to distract me from putting the final touches on my campaign to save the Earth…or at least Congress from people with logs in their eyes. If I don’t manage to succeed I’m not worried. I have just OK’d a book that explains in a circuitous and very Harry Welty way my struggles without ladeling it full of BS like the world changing Trumpian Adolf Hitler…… Adolph…..That is one of the things I discovered I got wrong a whole lot when, failing to find a human to proof read my 259 pages of text, I resorted to AI at the suggestion of a guy I met during the solar eclipse in Texas.

F+. That ‘s the grade a good AI proof reader would probably give me on that introductory paragraph. I am full of it, and so apparently is this blog although I have only blogged sporadically for the past few years. This is what I got when I tried to log on to write this bloviation a few minutes ago:

Resource Limit Is Reached
The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later.

But could it be my computer, I wondered. So I picked up my cell phone that I was charging up after draining it to read the morning news and practice my daily (going on six years) French. I got to immediately. Yippee. So I returned to my computer and here I am tapping away.

I was worried about my computer a little although I have encountered that rotten message a dozen times in recent months and after Sunday afternoon when my older grandson stopped by to clean up the computer and give me tips I was worried there were still lingering problems when that message reappeared. Not to worry. My grandson cleaned out two of my Gmail accounts and gave me the courage to prepare to do the same with my charter email too among a great many computer housecleaning tasks he preformed.

I’m stoked. Sunday was a good day. After he departed I worked into the night using my post it notes across my office wall to note 25 or more tasks, some minor, some major, to do over the week so that I can start selling my book by the hundreds I hope next week. Yesterday was an even better day in which a dozen of the tasks were accomplished. I took a picture of the two thirds of the remaining tasks left which I uploaded to my Flickr account to show my dwindling blog readers. (You luckies may be among the few people to be getting the inside dope on the Dope who will make the summer more interesting) C’est moi de qui je parle.

Ici (ici means here in French like here is ……) I lost the page again and decided to create a folder on my computer word docs to continue posts in the future that got stopped mid writing. What follows is the continuation of this post after which I began organizing my week to whittle down the notes and folders in the picture you will see.

Damn, I left composing the blog to add this picture below and I got the resource limit sign again. I checked once more on my cell and it showed up there too. So in anticipation that this might continue to be an unresolved problem I continued writing the post in my computer in my word files.


So after my Doctor I will finish this post …hopefully.

In the photo there is a small pile in the lower right of my Monday success including the $18 parking fine I got by not stuffing enough quarters in the meter on what I thought would be a quick trip to the UMD print shop. I was going to ask them to cut my properly framed book, an early version pre-AI proofreading, down to the size of the paperback by trimming half the page away around the size of the books pages. You can see them in the pile…just two of the ten that I shopped around to other people before final proofreading. Of the eight I sent out only three people responded. Of these only one had good suggestions, few of which were particularly startling to me. So seven people I trust didn’t get back to me. I figure that is the eye roll reaction to people who know I always run for office.

Its that reaction that is driving me to do for the first time what I’ve never done before in a race for Congress. Campaign with no hands tied behind my back. Don’t think I’m going full Trump. Trump’s corruption of our democratic system and defaming across the world of the American experiment is what’s driving me. I think honesty is its greatest weakness and I plan to be strong until August 13th when I will see if I can talk enough people in Minnesota’s 8th congressional district into giving me a crack at being a Lincoln republican in the November general election.

By the way the Print shop was able to help me get rid of the big black bulldog clips I’d been using to hold the pages together. Ten bucks apiece but worth it as it will be three weeks before I can show people the real McCoy. I don’t think seeing 259 page copy paper-sized books impressed anyone.

But the best part of my day was finding a couple students to talk to despite UMD’s final week and commencement that will scatter all the kids I’d like to vote for me in August. If I can get myself on the November ballot I hope to engage them with a book that has become a surprise viral hit among desperate people looking for a hero to fight the windmills in the Republican Party.

I still have some wind in my sail from yesterday.

Time will tell when the resource limit disappears allowing me to post this….

According to my blog stat site I’ve had good traffic the last couple days……maybe just bots visiting.

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