Imagine my not so subtle humor in the lair of the Trump Cult

I take treason seriously and as I’ve written elsewhere like ignorance of the law Ignorance of treason is no excuse.

I am getting very close to raising some serious hell with a book that I think has the chance of being a best seller. It may the first of several and to that end of organizing myself for continued work on this and following books I’ve done something I didn’t do for the past six years of writing books with Putin’s psyops project Donald Trump and his associates like Pete Stauber. As a result of organizeing six years worth of writing on a half dozen books that never made it to completion I’ve rediscovered several old writings I got a kick out of including a couple jabs at our reasonably inoffensive new Mayor. I’d forgotten all about them the writings I published although I remembered tweaking him and running against him in a DFL primary for the State Senate in 2010. I just found the ad I put in the Duluth Reader which while it didn’t win me the seat based on the same idea of a primary win that I’ll be pursuing now I thought it was a good if mild example of what Margery Taylor Green will experience if I become a thorn in the side of Putin’s allies in Congress.

Here’s the ad I put in the Reader which I just printed out and took a picture of but the column I wrote about Roger in the Reader was very amusing. I’d forgotten it and when I saw the world imiminates near the end “while the School Board imiminates its schools” I wondered what the hell I was talking about… I reread it. I wrote it because I have a low threshold of tolerance for pompous twittery.

Old guys posing with sweet young things is also a little irksome. I almost posted a picture of our fifty year old mayoral candidate on Facebook with a couple of babes around either arm. He likes telling his young dates that they are his “arm candy.” Still that’s pretty harmless. I did take a poke at the damn billboards someone put up all over town telling us that a vote for Roger was a Vote for Duluth. In my post A vote for Emily is a Vote for Duluth too I sorta apologized for submitting the Reader column before Roger could reply to it although it hardly did him any damage.

You will see I was even more judicious in the previous “imiminates” column waiting until after an election to publish it.

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