The “Rich men north of Richmond” Debate

Five months ago stymied by my inability to concentrate on finishing a column by a pushed up deadline of Friday I cranked out my last column. It was over ambitious in attempting to cram 150 years of the slow poisoning of the Republican party into a mush that someone in my church scratched his head over. This week I finally returned to the Reader with a new column after watching Trumps even more shrunken Republican challengers of the post criminally indicted Trump. Today another member of my church complimented me on it. You can read it here without the extra “the” in the title that got slipped in the Duluth Reader’s paper version.

It begins:

After the Fox presidential debate my wife texted her brother-in-law: “Last night I was watching Breaking Bad on the second floor; Harry was watching the debate on the first floor; and the boys were watching Bodies, Bodies, Bodies in the basement. We aren’t sure which of us had the scariest viewing.”

Friday I submitted my next column. It begins a series of reflections on the trip my wife and I just took with our grandsons to Washington DC. Time will tell if the eleven columns I’ve written drafts of make it to the Reader. If they do they will be interrupted by other columns of pressing issues that catch my attention. If I get them written well enough in advance I may spare myself the frustration of laboring over columns at the last minute all the way through Christmas. Wish me luck.

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