15% of kids report gender dysphoria

In the column that will be published this week and available to read I wrote something that was contradicted by a Washington Post article today. I suggested that transsexuals were only a handful in our larger population. This WAPO story says that 15% of American kids report feelings of gender dysphoria. If they were all transsexuals then I’m far afield. I probably underestimated my numbers but I think a lot of kids don’t fall in the confident heterosexual feeling I grew up with. The fifteen percent figure probably includes all gay kids. It certainly must include kids who are attracted to both genders. I’m grateful for this story from the Washington Post about the terror Texas Governor Abbot is sowing in Texas. Its about one of the state investigators Abbot has ordered to root out the evil parents who are coddling their mixed up children. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/09/23/texas-transgender-child-abuse-investigations/

This story is from the Washington Post one of my morning go-to sites for news of the world: It is on this Republican Senate candidates list of places where people are brainwashed.

Alex Jones’s Info wars site on the list but National Public Radio is. Someone has been brainwashed.

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