Logic so compelling that…..

…..Red Plan apologists are spending thousands to discourage voters from following it.

From today’s Trib:

Two years ago, citizens petitioned for an alternative to the Red Plan. Plan B would’ve kept more neighborhood schools for millions less. The vote on Plan B should have happened two years ago when the district could have compromised. The district has spent two years and tens of thousands of dollars trying to discredit Let Duluth Vote and disallow, derail and delay the public’s vote on Plan B. One has to ask why the district has worked so hard to keep us from voting.

The district says the vote is nonbinding and there seems to be no intention of listening to the results. The district has rushed to buy property, tear down buildings, bulldoze green space, sign contracts and build to make sure the Red Plan was too far along before you got a chance to vote. The district seems to want you to believe that Let Duluth Vote wants to undo everything already built. This is not true.

Please Vote “yes” for Plan B. It won’t raise your taxes, but it might send a message to the superintendent and School Board that you don’t appreciate having them take away your right to vote. Vote “yes” to send a message.

Brenda Anderson


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