OMG, a DNT School Board story with integrity #2

The sorry state of the referendum on Let Duluth Vote’s Plan B is pretty well spelled out in this story. Half of it is the damned, off-putting verbiage of the ballot itself but the story makes clear that at this point a vote is largely symbolic.

I’ve argued that voting for it will be a public indictment of the School Board and Dr. Dixon and JCI without any worry of Plan B’s approval actually leading to Plan B itself. Unfortunately, when voters go to the polls that will mostly be missed except for the dwindling subscribers of the DNT who actually read the story. Most people will go to the ballot box and read that Plan B will cost them more money and then vote against it much as they would have voted against the Red Plan had they been given the chance.

That’s been Dr. Dixon’s plan for the last two years of delay notwithstanding his laughable denial.

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