losing trust means managing School Districts into the ground

Two Harbor’s latest bid to get a levy approved failed 2 to 1 even though they tried a mail in ballot that might have given funding supporters a leg up. I’d guess that the young people who might have been more likely to vote “yes” are the least likely to use snail mail these days while just the opposite is true of senior citizens who would most likely to vote “no.”

Meanwhile someone sent out an email about Dr. Dixon’s latest reporting on the District on Chamber friendly KDAL Radio.

And Dixon was on 610 AM talking about how they have the bids out for the Western Middle School and will be putting it to the board next mtg.
He also said that 20 mil was cut last year and now it will be close to 23 mil. This is money from the state.

Not having listened to the broadcast I can’t comment on this summary. I presume Dr. Dixon was explaining how much operation’s money (classroom money) was cut in recent years. Trust me. It wasn’t all savings through efficiencies as a result of the Red Plan. I doubt that any of it was.

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