Trusting ourselves

Every time I hear some money grubbing Fox pundit complain about “government” I think back to Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and his “of the people, by the people and for the people” suggestion that we are our government.

As the revered political philosopher Pogo said, “we have met the enemy and he is us.” This was seconded by H. Ross Perot who worried about black helicopters. How did he put it? Something like: if you want to know what’s wrong with America look in the mirror. I assume Ross looked in his mirror regularly.

I understand that the pundits at Fox television all have a clause in their contracts outlawing mirrors in their dressing rooms.

Other than mirrors “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Damn platitudes. Hasn’t anyone heard about carbon polution’s other menace? Go Nuclear! Go Obama!

If, after one year in office, American hasn’t yet come to trust the President’s centrist politics it may simply be because trust in government (or trust in ourselves) seems to be based on whether we have jobs.

I suspect this post will prompt an email from my buddy about the “Chosen One.” And yeah, I agree with my buddy that Obama’s cap and trade is dubious and grossly inferior to carbon taxes for cutting CO2 emissions.


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