Daniel was given good press in the Bible for entering the Lion’s Den. That either took courage or an act of foolhardiness. A number of candidates who are unhappy with the Red Plan avoided the den and got bad press. Yes, the Trib’s editors were laying for them but some skipped the den and got savaged worse than had they showed up.
The occasion was a Chamber of Commerce morning debate, a frequent occurance. Of course, where the Red Plan is concerned it would have been a stacked event. Still, this was the first campaign event of the season and serious Red Plan critics show up. They all had their reasons but a voter must ask if a candidate is too bleary eyed from a long trip or needs to babysit rather than talk to the public about school issues does that candidates really have the time to be on the school board?
The knock against the incumbent school board members is that they hid from the public once they made their decision. If they are simply to be replaced by others unwilling to face those who disagree with them that’s not likely to improve anything.
PS. The Chamber Forum is hardly a lion’s den. The Chamber folks would have been unfailingly polite, wrong maybe, but polite.