Let’s Vote, Duluth!

I realized at about 8:30 yesterday that I’d missed our Let Duluth Vote meeting. I just spaced it. Had I remembered it earlier I would have been torn. I’ve got about three things I want to work on now and its about time for me to move on from LDV which, up to now, has been an apolitical group. I’m ready to get very political.

This will be a broom campaign where the public gets a chance to sweep out the old like so much dust although beating the rug may be an even more apt metaphor. The biggest challenge for the replacement school board members will be to stay on message and this message is pretty easy to wit:

1. We will let Duluth vote. 2. We will save you money and 3. We will avoid the worst pitfalls of the Red Plan.

That’s an unstoppable campaign considering how betrayed the community feels by this school board.

Note the difference between Let Duluth Vote or LDV and LVD or Let’s Vote Duluth. It wasn’t my idea and I was a little slow to warm to it but the more I hear it the more I like it.

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