Time for me to door knock again but first a nod to the Trib. Art was treated fairly in the Front page story about his campaign and it struck me that he hit all the concerns that I know have been driving western parents out of the western schools.
And the other District Seat, far eastern District One, had its day in the Op Ed Page’s sun.
My take: Rosie Loeffer-Kemp was all resume. Kurt Kuehn was all results. I’ll take results over resume any day. I hope the voters agree.
And there was the letter-to-the-editor calling Art and me “holdovers.”
“The Red Plan opponent holdovers on the Duluth School Board continue to disrupt, discourage, disturb and distract from the need to address the inequities between schools.”
Hell, its our kind that insists that “the need to address the inequities between schools,” NOT be papered over with platitudes. The true “holdovers” are folks like Rosie Loeffler-Kemp who sided with the Red Planners. She’s the last one left on the Board.
Fixing what’s wrong with ISD 709 will not be easy because the candidates championed by this writer are the ones who traded 200 teachers for brand new schools.