Like Public Radio’s final pledge days Let Duluth Vote is down to the wire. I’ll be on the phone from my house all day. Anyone who wants to pull in my driveway at 4th and 21st. Ave. East should feel free to drop a contribution in my mailbox off my patio.
I probably made a big tactical error by only showing donation figures of $500 and $1000. I was eager to get them and we’ve collected quite a handful but I came home to find an envelope with $100 in it in my mailbox and a township Board member’s phone message offering another $100. If everyone who had already contributed did the same thing again we’d have $125.000.
Feel free to copy and send this link to people on your email list to get the word out. I’d love to have 400 people drop by my house tomorrow with donations of any size.
We’ve got about 1/4th of the way to go. We’ll still need some big donations but every little bit helps.