I’m cheating today. A funny faced cat eluded my camera so I’m using the grainy squirrel from yesterday that almost got away. He/she was hopping down an alley with a full bagel in its mouth. Then he paused behind a Tansy as I finally got him in view. Snap.
I had many fun conversations today – some challenging. Here’s the best one:
I found four workman fixing a house. I introduced myself and said I was running for……. You know the political schtick.
The leader opened my letter and read it closely. As I walked on to the next house one of the guys shouted “And screw the damned Red Plan.”
I shouted over my shoulder “I’m afraid that’s a done deal.”
As I walked away I realized I hadn’t really captured my thoughts and competently broadcast them so I turned around and looked for the Red Plan man.
When I got close I hollered: “What I should have said was that I spent four years trying to get the voters a chance to vote on the damned Red Plan. And the Duluth Trib’s editorial board won’t forgive me for it!”
It was very gratifying to hear four grown men give that a lusty laugh. The Red Plan disaster isn’t their fault. Its the disaster caused by Duluth’s movers and shakers. The movers and shakers are too thinned to have an “I-told-you-so” on the School Board.
The Trib, the DFL insiders, and the leaders of the Public Employee’s Union all want cheerleaders who will make our schools the best in the nation…….but with no plan on how to go about doing this with millions cannibalized from classrooms to pay for the Red Plan……even while the future cheerleaders brag about Myers-Wilkins’ STEM program ………………which was recently scrapped.
Money trouble I presume.