Someone can’t wait to read this

After I reviewed and sent some morning emails I looked at what was reported to be a very unfavorable Trib editorial on Plan B. One of the people commenting on it said he couldn’t wait to see my rebuttal in the blog. Well I put it in the comment section. This is what I wrote:

This editorial is well reasoned. It is like many well reasoned arguments based on faulty information and thus its logic fails.

Goats have beards. Men have beards. Thus men are goats.

Dr. Dixon has been angling for this editorial for a year. He’s set up a situation to ensure an unfavorable comparison by first delaying a plan for a year when compromise was still possible. Next he rushed a plan and insisted on work that could be used to discredit the final product while keeping important public data hidden. He’s never released the so called staff saving info completely because it woudn’t bear up to scrutiny.

He can however sell a bridge and the editorial are the latest investors.

Plan B will have to prove itself to the Mn Dept. of Ed not an editorial board reeling from all the contractors who were mad at them for the Lindstrom cartoon and panicked because they are afraid a bond will be posted delaying the gravy train. No one can threaten to pull advertising from State Government.

I’ve never liked the Plan B wording. I took comfort in knowing it was going to be non binding. Once people can vote they can vote for Plan B to vote against the Red Plan knowing that it will never go into effect. Then a new school board can direct its attention to preventing Ordean from turning into a $51 million Laughingstock High.

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