No news is good news?

Its – Aw darn. I just woke Claudia up. Pushed the computer to hide its bright light behind a pillow and as it slid it squeeked loudly. I”ve been sneaking around since four trying to set up and log on to the internet here in the San Fran Marriot and I just got to my blog and typed “Its” one handed when I knew it was no good. “What time is it?” she asked.

She just rolled over to the other side of the bed to hide from the glare shining over the pillow.

I was with our hosts all day flying much of it and mostly incommunicado. I got a couple calls from a reporter from KBJR asking about the release I sent out this morning. “Yup.,” I told him. “We’ve raised $33,000.” I made a couple of calls to our new man with the keys to the PO Box to ask him what he’d found in the box today – now yesterday – but he was at the School Board meeting. I went to bed clueless.

The first word I’ve gotten about what’s happening in Duluth was this story from the Trib. It was a news alert in my email. My press release bore fruit. Now the Trib readers know our opportunity and our plight. I must say the first three comments from readers warmed my heart. They were very put out.

Oh, this is painful. I’m hunched over in an ergonomic catatsrophe peering over my glasses. I hate this tiny keyboard my grandson would love but which my finger strokes rain down on like quarter sized hail. I’ve have, as per usual, accidentally hit the arrow keys a half dozen times already which takes my typing to the unexpected places those errant key strikes send them. I’ll hit three or four letters and find them showing up in some word I typed a few paragraphs earlier. So, to limit that I type at a slothut like rate b…..there I did it again.

I’m simply going to have to beg my reader’s indulgence. Read past the typos for the next six days.

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