Where have I heard that threat before?

I’m asking the Court to put School Board members under the threat of punitive damages so I have no reason to complain when they turn their hired guns on me.

But as I read that email this comment jumped out at me:

“Please convey to Mr. Welty that we will seek intervention by the court if he does not immediately and voluntarily remove this portion of his commentary and refrain from such violent statements/suggestions toward the school district and its officials and personnel. The message of disagreement may not extend into suggestions of violent actions.”

I was threatened with the law by another school district once before when I made a fairly harmless comment about JCI on my blog. On that occasion I was also quoting someone else. Woe to the newspaper reporter who quotes an angry citizen.

“I will be seeking legal advice as your false and unfounded statements seem to be causing our District discredit and harm in our communities.”

I rarely post anything that I have not given serious consideration to before publishing. Until the trial is over I will be a little more circumspect, not for me mind you, but for the many people who have put their faith in me to recover their stolen votes.

Many people can testify that at the last school board meeting I repeatedly turned around and put my fingers to my lips to still an angry crowd. I am no King Henry and I’m not hinting that I want anyone to rid me of Sir Thomas Moore.

As an educator I take a dim view of censorship so unless ordered by the Court to do so I will not remove my offending passage. I was quoting someone else to demonstrate the arrogance they read into the School Board that night.

Besides, removing that fairly innocuous observation would be treated like an admission of guilt. However, I have added a note by the blog post in question so that no reader will get the wrong idea.

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