The District’s full response to the latest motions of the taxpayers are put in quotes followed by my observations in parentheses.
“There is no violation of either state law or the Board’s authority to manage the affairs of the school district.”
(This is easy enough to say before the court rules)
“In fact, the lawsuit itself does not allege a violation of the law, despite Mr. Welty’s comments that it does.”
(Doh! This is drivel. If the Board members end up having to pay punitive damages on tens of millions of dollars they’ll only have their blind faith in Dr. Dixon to blame for it. They ought to be asking why the District and JCI are paying three law firms and six high priced attorneys to defend them. And in the case of the School District why it shucked off the three law firms who have been representing their interests to date. Maybe they’ve opted for competence instead of wishful thinking.)
“The contract with Johnson Controls is lawful, appropriate, carefully considered and reasonable.”
(There’s nothing wrong in giving JCI a sweetheart deal without having to bid on it competitively)
“It was also the best way to proceed in the interest of taxpayers.”
(As long as the taxpayers were asleep at the wheel and didn’t notice that the car was veering off the road)
“The district has acted with proper authority to improve its facilities for the good of the students, staff and the public.”
(Which is why we are putting student’s lives at risk at the inferior Ordean site and why we’re putting a new middle school on a piece of rock with insufficient access unless we threaten a new neighborhood with eminent domain. Oh yeah, and this crap about letting the public exercise their right to vote is such a nuisance.)
“The process used by the district was very deliberate,
(yes, many con jobs are very deliberate)
(ha, ha, ha, ha)
and transparent.
(That is, if you think hiding all the public data for years on end is transparent)
Volumes of public input have been carefully sought
(Only to be ignored)
in many, many ways over a period of several years. All members of the public were given the opportunity to express their views during this process.”
(to create the illusion that anyone was paying attention)