Is JCI qualified?

This was in the newsprint DNT but I didn’t see it online:

Sunday April 5, 2009

Is Johnson Controls qualified to lead red plan project?
The Feb. 22 letter, “Duluth’s Ordean site is unworkable for high school,” was a profound condemnation of the red plan.

How many high schools are there in the United States on only 27 acres with inadequate access and onsite parking?

What are the minimum high school site size standards for student populations of 1,800 in Minnesota and in the other 49 states? Why might the standards be violated at the Ordean site?

What high schools throughout the United States can Johnson Controls document as overall program/construction managers?

What role did Johnson Controls’ prior relationship with Duluth School Superintendent Keith Dixon, while he was in Faribault, Minn., have in its being selected to reconfigure Duluth’s schools? Any? Which firms or consortiums were dismissed in favor of Johnson Controls?

Let Duluth Vote’s challenge deserves judicial consideration, not political deception.

What were Johnson Controls’ credentials, experience and qualifications for developing Duluth’s red plan? What are the specific qualifications, experience, and credentials of is local, Duluth-based employees? How many even have bachelor’s degrees relevant to conduct Duluth’s red plan?

What experience does Dixon have besides causing political unrest in Faribault?

Jeff Schiltz, Johnson Controls’ point person on the red plan, “attended” the University of Minnesota Duluth, according to a company bio. Attended? Did he graduate? Schiltz has joined Dixon in a risky effort to develop the disastrous red plan.

I wonder whether Dixon has commitments after the red plan. Employment at Johnson Controls, maybe? An executive position there? At what salary?

Charles Torkko


The writer is a retired civil engineer and a 1952 graduate of Duluth Central High School.

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