Good Questions

I got an email today with a number of good questions. It also reminded me of one of Roger Reinert’s ideas which seems more like a good way to shift responsibility than save money for the taxpayers. Enjoy:

Libraries: Who owns the books? Whose system? Duluth Library has computers,
notification of books on request, due… Judy S-P boasts of having secure
buildings. So when does the public use the “community library?” Who decides
which books will be available? Do high schools have different criteria than the
public libraries? Who pays the librarians? Is there parking for increased use?
Accomodations for school breaks and summer?

But, why is this now just coming to be? Isn’t this supposed to be the most
carefully designed plan possible? Will this benefit KD because he is so over
budget? Have someone else pay for the library use.

Sounds familiar to Roger R’s proposal to have UMD own the Aquariam. Just shifts
those pots of financial responsibility around.

June 24, 2010 SB announced the plan could have been $270 mil but instead of
giving the money back to the taxpayers they decided to make the plan better. Do
those projects on the wish list, Add Alternatives.

But Dixon says the recession was no surprise and he assumes net tax capacity to
grow. It sounded like he made mention of the new restaurants in town to prove
his point. (But he forgot to mention the ones that closed.)

Friends from The Cities involved in education cannot believe what is happening
in Duluth.

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