A Do Over Email I just sent to the School Board

Board members,

When I suggested a week ago that we call a meeting to revisit the sale of Central I was under the impression that we had only a week or two to change direction. I had planned to put a call out today for an official meeting to consider this on Thursday of this week. After reading the Sunday story from Ms. Hollingsworth about the May 10th City planning meeting to discuss the building at Snowflake I realized that we have a little more time, perhaps another two weeks, to change direction in the face of new information.

I’m not alone in making inquiries. I understand other board members have contacted the Corps of Engineers to see if the mitigation of wetlands issues will prevent the development of a high school. They will not. I also understand that Rep. Simonson’s plan to stop the DPSA building has been watered down to simply freeing any developer of the Central site from having to pay sales taxes. If anyone in City Hall ever contemplated slowing the Edison project down that is has become most unlikely in the face of the massive and continuing public outcry for us to change our decision. I view the completion of Snowflake property as a mere formality just as approving the Red Plan’s East High location, despite far more worrisome water impact issues, was a slam dunk.

Now that the School Board has more time to pursue accurate information as opposed to the misinformation that predominated two weeks ago, I no longer wish to strong arm the majority for a meeting this week. I may yet attempt to do this but I hope we can agree to discuss our alternatives in some other more neutral fashion.

Member Oswald has asked for a new and current valuation of the property. I’m not sure this can be affected prior to May 10th but it would be wise that we asked realtor, John Vigen, for his thoughts on the sale’s price we have been offered. I have a lot of respect for John who appraised the Central site as having a $30 million dollar value to ISD 709 ten years ago when it was a functioning school.

We nailed the coffin shut on a sale a couple weeks ago while the truth was still alive and kicking and screaming to be heard. I will abide by a majority vote on the subject of the Central sale, however it turns out, but only after an honest and rational discussion stripped of falsehoods and half truths.

I will bring this up for discussion at the end of our meeting tomorrow night.


PS. I have heard it suggested that this subject can not be brought up again at a School Board meeting. There is absolutely no justification for such a claim short of denying state statute and parliamentary procedure.

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