I’m going to the Holy Land

I’ve told myself over and over for the past year that I need to get out of town and take a vacation from the School Board. Well, minutes ago I just set one up. We bought the tickets. I’m going to Israel with Claudia who is going there for classes in her theological studies. She’s going into her third year and asked me a month ago if I’d like to go through the classes with her in January. Remembering how I talked her out of our river cruise through Europe for our Fortieth Anniversary I quickly agreed…….then I realized I’d be out of town for the crucial organizational meeting of the School Board next January. I would not be at it to cast a vote for the new board’s leadership.

For two years I’ve been absolutely kept in the dark by the current ruling regime. I would be giving up my tie breaking vote that could give me my first breath of air since first being plunged under water two years ago. Phooey! I’m going to Israel. I’ve written many times that for this stint on the Duluth school board I would put family first. I’ll stick by that promise to myself.

I hope we have the votes to change things around. I’ve told many folks how in my short Chairmanship, from January 6 to April 21 1998, I invited opposition school board members into the oh so secret meetings with me and the Superintendent’s cabinet. That’s how you dispel paranoia and suspicion. What happened in those four months could be the heart of a book on school boards but I’ve already got a couple other books on the Duluth School Board in mind.

Maybe God will touch this old, agnostic, church choir member and our new Board will behave with fair-minded dignity and put our children first. That could be my road to Damascus.

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