A friend in Ely who occasionally comments on my fight against the Red Plan (He sent me several email quotes from Faribault folks commenting on Dixon) asked me why there was so little coverage “when the Duluth News Tribune made it’s huge cuts?”
I wrote back that the Trib wasn’t the paper it used to be and he sent me another email telling me about a UMD seminar he attended this summer with former St. Paul Mayor Latimer, Don Fraser, and the head of the the Star-Tribune’s editorial Page. They:
“talked about the collapse of the paper and the effect……………..sad, sad story………only worse for the St. Paul and Duluth. They dropped shipping papers to Ely and Ironwood this spring. Only way you can get it is by mail………..only the Sunday at stores, etc. Reporters just say ‘it was not my decison’ and won’t say whose it was. I guess they need the job.”
Being clueless about the Red Plan isn’t helping them.
My friend is not a newspaper hater. In fact, his email always ends with this quote:
“If I had to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” Thomas Jefferson