An anecdote

Back before School Board member Tim Grover jumped ship and joined the majority of Red Plan supporters I had encouraged him to run for the School Board Chairmanship. Tim was a little reluctant to do this because Tim is tender hearted and hates to lose votes of this sort. But he told me that Mary Cameron had offered to vote for him and with that knowledge he asked some other members. Gary Glass would certainly have voted for him and there was a good chance that Laura Condon would too.

Tim’s chances looked better when it was announced that Nancy Nilsen who wanted to be the next chairman too would be in India during the January swearing in with its attendant election for Chairman. Then Judy Seliga-Punyko planned to be elsewhere. That was two pro Red Plan people that wouldn’t be at the meeting and Tim’s chances would have been assured if Dr. Dixon hadn’t gone into action.

He made arrangements if necessary for a television hookup between Duluth and India so that Nancy Nilsen could attend the meeting remotely and vote. That turned out not to be necessary. Dixon talked Mary out of withdrawing her support for Tim and then Johnson Controls found a chaufeur to transport Judy Seliga-Punyko to the meeting during a bad storm so that she could vote.

Tim didn’t let himself be nominated. Nancy Nilsen was elected Chairman thanks to Dr. Dixon and Johnson Controls.

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