I’ve already been up once today reviewing my blog for mention of the things which could get me kicked off the Duluth School Board. Its not easy to sleep when you know your colleagues are dreaming of donning their black caps like a British judge in a capital case.
My son is sleeping off his eleven hour drive to get home for Christmas and I’m trying to be quiet. It didn’t help that our cat hurried upstairs after his breakfast for a noisy bout of tossing his cookies close to his benefactors and slaves.
I’m glad Claudia and I got our Christmas shopping mostly taken care of yesterday but it wasn’t without interruption. I had sagely decided that the School Board’s attempt to hush up Monday’s meeting had be scuttled so I left a message on the Trib’s answering machine to encourage them to check out my blog. I got a call while heading into the Target parking lot from their reporter John Lundy. His beat is not the School Board but I did my best to fill him in before catching up with Claudia who was none to happy that my community service was breaking up her Christmas reverie.
My paper just got delivered but I’ll set it aside to listen to my taped interview by Mary Rice who managed to mangle what I told her when I questioned her a few weeks back. I’ll have to keep her botched job handy Monday when something will happen, only God and my Chairman knows what.
So, I’ll do a little transcribing and then go to the basement to listen to a complicated choral work by John Rutter that I haven’t quite mastered for today’s worship service. After that perhaps I’ll have the stomach to read the story I had to make sure was slapped on the front page of the Trib before my appearance Monday in the witness stand.
Like my other Christmas Season posts this one is cataloged under “Happy Holidays.” This one, however, is more like an advertisement for my school board colleague’s Winter Fishing Season. I just hope I’m the big one who got away.