Jaros Bill held in Pawlenty’s grip

Whether the Jaros bill in its latest incarnation passes depends on whether Governor Pawlenty will make good on his threat to veto it.

Vetoing the bill strikes me as a brilliant thing to give him credibility with the Republican Party at a time when Senator McCain is casting about for a VP. I was told today that the NY Times lists Pawlenty as the number one pick for McCain. That flies in the face of pundits who are looking for a number two who could bring votes to McCain. Minnesota is small potatoes but Minnesota is the sight of the GOP national convention and is likely to showcase Pawlenty.

I think it would be a smart move because McCain is likely to lose anyway and this would be a way to introduce a bright up and commer to the Party. Pawlenty isn’t up for election so he wouldn’t face defeat if McCain loses. And at the GOP convention his veto of the bill which includes a potential $39 million in Minnesota Aid to the GOP Convention would be treated as a heroic anti-tax gesture by Republicans who will need all the cash they can get their hands on.

So, The tax bill is probably toast unless the Tax conference committee can submit a new one quickly which won’t face a veto.

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