Mum’s the word

November 3, 2014

School Board Members
215 North First Avenue East
Duluth, MN 55802

Dear School Board Members:

Enclosed for your review please find a copy of Mary Rice’s investigation report. The exhibits to the report are available for your review in my office. Please contact Melinda Thibault if you want to arrange a time to review the exhibits.

The enclosed report is unredacted and should not be discussed or disclosed, in whole or in part, with anyone. The report contains private personnel data on District employees and private educational data. This information must be redacted before the report may be made available to anyone other than the Board members.

Please be advised that it is a misdemeanor for anyone to willfully violate the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (“MGDP A”) by intentionally disclosing private personnel or educational data. Minn. Stat. § 13.09(a). Moreover, the MGDPA allows any person who has suffered damages as a result of a violation of the MGDP A to bring a lawsuit against a government entity for “any damages sustained, plus costs and reasonable attorney’s fees.” Minn. Stat. 13.08, subd. l. In the case of a willful violation, the government entity also could be liable for exemplary damages ranging from $1,000 to $15,000. Id.


Bill Hanson
CRO/Executive Director of Business Services


cc: Kevin Rupp

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