I keep thinking that my outside and yard work will be short-lived but I have a bad habit of underestimating what it will take. I need to paint my eaves and windows again. We decided not to renew our lawn service because we both have been wincing at the chemicals that probably get flushed into Lake Superior or might be killing of the honey bees. That means I’ll be pulling weeds up manually if I can keep up. I’ve tried to sow grass seed but didn’t really work the bare spots as well as I could. I’ve been weeding and mulching our flower gardens and tending to strawberries and raspberries. I spent an afternoon pruning trees and spent a couple hours hauling all the brush off to the City’s compost site. Last Sunday a woman at church complimented me for cleaning up the sidewalk along 21st Ave. The city left a mountain of sand covering it it from the winter and all the rain is still weeping through five or six pipes along the sidewalk which has made the walkway a muddy sandy mess. The earth is still weeping.
So, with eighteen months to go I keep telling myself that writing the blog or one of a succession of books I keep planning on – the next one to be done before the critical 2015 election – is not so urgent. I haven’t finished writing a book since I ran for Congress in 1992. I can’t afford to fix up the attic this year anyway to make a big enough space to house all my research. Crumb bum. So I garden and do yard work, and serve food once a month at the soup kitchen.
But sometimes I just can’t keep things in. Last night I woke up with heartburn……ate too late at night with a glass or two of wine……and couldn’t stop thinking about how Art Johnston has been set up. So I got up and spent two hours on the last WW III post. After that I couldn’t fall asleep again. One lousy night’s sleep is no big deal. I’ve had four very good night’s sleep in a row leading up to last night. I intend to keep it that way.
Claudia poked her head in and bugged me about typing in front of the computer’s “blue screen.” She says, and I’m sure she’s right it makes it very hard to fall asleep. I’ll take that chance. Its only now just 10pm. I’ve got one more post in me. Sometime this summer I’ll start cranking out posts like mad…….I think.