I don’t know. I’m a mouthy guy…….or a fingery guy (since my mouth wags my fingers as I’m typing these posts). I have lots of opinions and they spill out all over this blog. They’ve been spilling out here and in my old website www.snowbizz.com for almost fourteen years since I was first on the School Board. I was in a hurry back in 1999 to start explaining myself when I was up for reelection and one of my fellow school board members began feeding mean spirited things about me and my buddy, Mary Cameron, to allies who then badmouthed us in letters-to-the-editor.
Since then I’ve made lots of people mad and any one of them could be carrying a grudge to this day. Frankly, I’m not mad at most people who might want to take a little piece out of me. I might describe them as “cockroaches” here but for these run of the mill kind of critics that’s excessive. And as I wrote earlier I am not at all bothered to have my ideas, votes or political views scrutinized, dissected and parsed. Character Assassination, however, is a little harder for me to swallow.
But maybe its not just another citizen like me who is behind the attempt to smear me. Maybe its something bigger. I’d certainly like to think it was. That would satisfy my hunger to fight off a colossus rather than a gnat. I do have one colossus in mind. I also have a motivation in mind that might drive them to impugn me. I even have some precedent to build upon for my suspicion. I certainly know they have the money if they would like to defang me. I got a reminder of that when I checked out my old October 2007 blog posts. I’d forgotten about this one.