11-14-14 ALL CAPS, PART 2 – “YES CLAUDIA, I MAY HAVE PUT OUR RETIREMENT AT RISK” November 14, 2014 Not long ago a fan came up to Claudia and I and gushed that he/she was glad that I “named names” in my blog…. Continue Reading
11-14-14 ALL CAPS, PART 1- 10,000 WORDS PFTTTTTT! November 14, 2014 As per usual when there is a lot on my mind and my thoughts spill out into the blog today’s cogitations will spill out… Continue Reading
Heckuva day November 11, 2014 On Friday, I was moved to write a post about some of that day’s events. When Saturday came I was flooded with thoughts that… Continue Reading
There is no there, part 3 November 8, 2014 Well, well. After posting Part 1 and especially Part 2 it will be much harder for me to bring peace to the School Board…. Continue Reading
There is no there, part 2. November 8, 2014 So, I just read the Trib’s brief announcement that the report has been completed. Big whoop! Its still under wraps and for peace and… Continue Reading
There is no there, part 1 November 8, 2014 I’m torn between my campaign’s vow of honesty (by spilling all the beans) and charting a different course for this school board. Every post… Continue Reading
My little potatos November 8, 2014 All the posts that have been lining up like planes to land over the past week while the airport is down for repairs have… Continue Reading
My sink hole November 7, 2014 I’m not able to find a previous post on my water problems so I’ll start from scratch on this one. This was the scene… Continue Reading
Consternation and Mayhem November 7, 2014 Yesterday I ran down to Burgraff’s ACE Hardware to buy a posthole digger to begin the process of preventing my side yard from becoming… Continue Reading
WDIO reports on the Duluth School’s new format for an annual report November 7, 2014 Notice that I’m in one frame scratching my beard……something the Superintendent recently gave up for a good cause. Continue Reading
Doing the right thing November 6, 2014 It was reported tonight that Council President Linda Krug stepped down from her post after suffering a great deal of criticism for her recent… Continue Reading
Laugh with me November 6, 2014 A reader with more time than I have to search the DNT webpage kindly found the Lindstrom cartoon I got such a kick out… Continue Reading
My horselaugh of the day November 5, 2014 Woke up listening to NPR’s election coverage when I heard Claudia burst into a loud laugh from a couple rooms away. I knew it… Continue Reading
Finished my homework… November 5, 2014 …not impressed. I hope that’s not too much derogation. (Sorry, That’s an inside joke for those of us who got to do the homework)…. Continue Reading
Tonight’s School Board Homework November 4, 2014 I would grudgingly watch tonight’s election results as the people of the United State’s send more “blame everything on Obama” congressmen to the Nation’s… Continue Reading
Mum’s the word November 4, 2014 November 3, 2014 School Board Members 215 North First Avenue East Duluth, MN 55802 Dear School Board Members: Enclosed for your review please find… Continue Reading