Why I am an optimist… March 21, 2012 …even if I spend a lot of my time pointing out human idiocy: Continue Reading
Doc Martin and Herman Melville March 20, 2012 Someone, I can’t recall who, recommended Doc Martin, a British television series, to me. Its available on Netflix. Claudia and I have been enjoying… Continue Reading
Where did the bridge go? March 19, 2012 We took our daughter and grandchildren for Sunday breakfast at the top of the Radisson in Duluth. Its a circular restaurant that spins around… Continue Reading
Good night Lincolndemocrat… March 19, 2012 …good morning welty4congress. Yes, I know I joke around about using a congressional campaign to sell books. Its also meant to light a fire… Continue Reading
I cheated today March 19, 2012 In the middle of the day I found a quick succession of items I didn’t want to forget to post. So I typed them… Continue Reading
Will Duluth be a “priority” (bad) district … March 19, 2012 …or a “reward school” (good) District? Find out Thursday: Press Release from the Minnesota Department of Education: Commissioner Cassellius to Kick-Off Second Leg of… Continue Reading
How the Catholic church that Rick Santorum venerates… March 19, 2012 …dealt with a few rape victims back when I was a child. The NRC Handelsblad newspaper identified Henk Heithuis who was castrated in 1956,… Continue Reading
It’s been a really warm March March 19, 2012 It could be a very warm 21st Century: By the 2060’s, if carbon-cycle feedbacks prove to be strong, the world could be 4°C warmer,… Continue Reading
Pour Greenland in the ocean and… March 19, 2012 …this interactive map doesn’t even show you half the effect. It took a while for it to engage but it only goes up to… Continue Reading
Pray that your children’s teachers were… March 19, 2012 …masterers rather than testers. There is widespread belief that individual differences in intelligence are innate and unmodifiable. Psychologist Carol Dweck discovered that some children… Continue Reading
Word Search of the Day March 19, 2012 What does a successful education require that most people in school bend over backward to avoid? Mistakes The challenge is to make students welcome… Continue Reading
Why a conservative ought to vote for Obama March 18, 2012 Not Republicans mind you. Their “Conservativism” is strictly wolf in sheep’s clothing posing: More here: Continue Reading
Is the Republican Party “multiplechoice”? March 18, 2012 If it nominates Mitt Romney it is. Which is why I don’t blame any of the RINO haters for trying to stop him: Continue Reading
Posting past 10PM March 17, 2012 For the past four days (nights) I’ve refrained from uploading posts until ten at night. As I expected its lowered the number of daily… Continue Reading