Setting the Duluth School levy for 2013 October 7, 2011 This story describes one step in the Kabooki dance the Duluth School District must go through to set its local tax rate. By law… Continue Reading
Best darned graph I’ve ever seen October 7, 2011 From Slate: The Republican Horse Race to date. Continue Reading
China’s US Treasuries put in perspective October 7, 2011 Every week or so I have to confess to borrowing heavily from Andrew Sullivan’s posts and links. This post on the myth that China… Continue Reading
Hank Jr’s Adolph October 7, 2011 There have been a dozen and more dictators in my adult life that merited comparrison with Adolph Hitler. Most were pale shadows no matter… Continue Reading
The other GOP candidate who is more interested in… October 6, 2011 a book tour than campaigning for President. Continue Reading
And they endorsed the Red Plan October 6, 2011 The DFT makes its endorsements public. Maybe I’m just jealous because I never got a union endorsement. Continue Reading
The Moldova juggernaut continues October 5, 2011 I’m still puzzled by Moldova’s preoccupation with my blog. I just checked the blog stats for the past four days of October and copied… Continue Reading
Israel as America’s Serbia October 5, 2011 One of the things I remember liking about the George Herbert Walker Bush administration is that he kept Israel on a tight leash. He… Continue Reading
Oh ye of little faith… October 5, 2011 …ask no questions and keep doubt at arm’s length. My thought for the day. Continue Reading
One still waiting for a boom October 5, 2011 As Andrew Sullivan says of Mitt Romney: The record nonetheless shows Romney as once passionately pro-choice, a man who vowed a decade and a… Continue Reading
boom, fizzle October 5, 2011 The GOP presidential race is looking a lot like America’s early attempts to achieve orbit around the Earth with rockets. A larger graphic of… Continue Reading
Nobodies talking about it October 5, 2011 Only about twenty people went to last night’s school board forum. That’s a bit of a rebuttal to the notion of building something so… Continue Reading
League of Women Voters forum? October 4, 2011 I just saw on the news tonight that there was a school board candidate forum held by the League of Women Voters……. They didn’t… Continue Reading
Speaking of past op levy opponents October 4, 2011 I’m pretty sure it was the 2001 operational levy referendum that Judy Punyko-Seliga told me she couldn’t support because the Duluth School Board just… Continue Reading
90% of you is something else October 4, 2011 Fascinating and it poses an interesting question about the theoretical cloning of dinosaurs. Continue Reading
Truth in Duluth October 4, 2011 I had a friendly tap on the shoulder from a few seats behind me at the last Duluth Symphony performance. (Sam Black wasn’t nearly… Continue Reading
Let me summarize October 3, 2011 When you read this the message can be boiled down to this. We real Christians know that the Bible says that when everyone in… Continue Reading
How dumb are the Trib’s editors? October 3, 2011 Maybe I should start by asking that of myself. How dumb am I? I spent so long writing about the column about Edison’s funding… Continue Reading
Thowing garlic at Christie October 3, 2011 My Buddy sent two conflicting columns about the potential for a last minute Presidential bid by Governor Chris Christie. The first from the Atlantic’s… Continue Reading
Virgil understands October 2, 2011 Saturday’s Budgeteer had a Virgil Swing column I’d love to link to but it’s not in the DNT website. Virgil simply noticed that the… Continue Reading