40,560 words in July July 22, 2009 I have an old man’s sensibility about writing more than a young blogger’s. Young folks text message with cute little abbreviations that are mostly… Continue Reading
Cynthia Robinson July 22, 2009 I mentioned one of my elementary school nemisses in the last post. Cynthia alternated last names. She switched back and forth from her birth… Continue Reading
Creative writing July 22, 2009 Here’s a prediction: The readers of the Trib’s letters to the editor and the online comment sections will quote Gary Glass’s analysis of my… Continue Reading
Replying to Mr. Hankey July 22, 2009 I rarely get critical email any more but a “Mr. Hankey” wrote me this gem yesterday that I was too swamped to reply to:… Continue Reading
Oh yeah, Explaining that previous post July 22, 2009 Just before going out to eat at a dinner engagement I promised to explain Gary Glass’s novel filing for the First District seat while… Continue Reading
Come on back anytime July 22, 2009 I periodically check my stats for this blog. Today despite a lot of early incomplete posts and many delays lincolndemocrat hit its first ever… Continue Reading
The deficiencies in her representation July 22, 2009 During our time in Chambers the School District’s attorneys made it plain that they represented Gary Glass. Indeed, as I explained before they seemed… Continue Reading
I’ve got some work to do July 21, 2009 I often don’t explain to my wife what I’m up to. I’m the only member of my immediate family that cares about this fight…. Continue Reading
Why did I wait this long? July 21, 2009 If you are new to this blog welcome. If you are trying to figure out its organization based on today’s posts, Good luck. For… Continue Reading
Glass doesn’t break July 21, 2009 I don’t know if the press will get it but Gary Glass just escaped a noose being tightened around his neck by the Board…. Continue Reading
The Trial of Gary Glass July 21, 2009 8AM, St. Louis County Court House. My black raincoat shed the rain as I ran up four flights of stairs to the Court offices…. Continue Reading
Professional Courtesy July 21, 2009 The match between the taxpayer’s attorney and the teams of law firms hired by JCI and the District is a little like a race… Continue Reading
A friend for whom time stopped July 21, 2009 I called up Bob Nygaard last night. A finer fellow you could not meet. Bob served on the school board for a year after… Continue Reading
Follow the Money July 21, 2009 I promised a short time ago to stop commenting on my sleep habits. Doggone it but until tonight I’ve had the luxury of sleeping… Continue Reading
339 visitors July 20, 2009 I had a lot of visitors today for some slim reading. 339 of them with an hour left of the day. Once again the… Continue Reading
Karwath and the anti-red plan people July 20, 2009 Tonight on Fox News Trib Executive Editor Rob Karwath made a hash of the story about the attorneys. First he described Craig Hunter as… Continue Reading
Five Months later July 20, 2009 February 27th. That’s when I first mentioned meeting with Craig Hunter with Gary Glass present. Not long afterwards Dr. Dixon’s Red Plan cheerleader Paul… Continue Reading
8AM tomorrow – one more court hearing July 20, 2009 Instead of girding my loins to be grilled by the District’s lawyers tomorrow I’ll go to the scheduled Court Hearing to see if the… Continue Reading
Interestinger and interestinger July 20, 2009 Oh gosh, I hate when I write seven paragraphs and then accidentally delete them. So, here’s an abridged version of what I just lost…. Continue Reading