When a man can’t be a man August 9, 2006 After insisting on a war, the Bush Administration shot our military in the foot by kicking Arabic-speaking translators out of the army because they weren’t… Continue Reading
Morris calls November for Lieberman August 9, 2006 Clinton’s very smart but sleazy analyst says on the Drudge Report that Joe Lieberman all but has a lock on re-election in Connecticut this… Continue Reading
Baby you can drive my car August 9, 2006 Well, Well, Well, a day that was sacrificed to family, when my sister and her sons dropped by for a visit, may end up being… Continue Reading
Lunch with my political homies August 8, 2006 I’ve been content to email Chris and Mel for the past couple weeks. When Mel told me that he would be at a local… Continue Reading
Self-fulfilling prophecy August 8, 2006 I just finished a long lunch with my campaign manager and my editor. We had a long discussion – more on that later- and… Continue Reading
Washington Post poll August 8, 2006 This is a poll which gladdens my heart. It shows that no congressional incumbent is safe from an an angry electorate: Of particular interest… Continue Reading
Timberjay debates August 7, 2006 I got a google alert about a debate that is developing in Tower’s Timberjay newspaper. One letter writer defended Jim Oberstar from Rod Grams… Continue Reading
A very Republican thing for me to do August 7, 2006 From the Cox News Service last Thursday. ‘”It’s a virtual certainty that Republicans will lose House and Senate seats in the Nov. 7 midterm elections,”… Continue Reading
sex – the other extreme August 7, 2006 Having posted comments about sexual repression in the Islamic world I should acknowledge that our sexually charged world is often not much better. Continue Reading
The Looming Tower August 7, 2006 The NY Times has a review of The Looming Tower, a book that must be riveting. Its author, Lawrence Wright, went to great lengths… Continue Reading
Blowing up vegetable stands August 7, 2006 This NPR report by John Hendren makes clear how little we understand Iraq. He mentions how Islamic fundamentalists have been taking out vegetable sellers for… Continue Reading
What I’m telling the military August 7, 2006 I got a letter this morning from the Department of Defense. They allow candidates to record messages for our troops. It can be accessed… Continue Reading
A check for Becky Lourey August 7, 2006 At the beginning of last week’s parade I saw the DFL’s renegade gubenatorial candidate Becky Lourey. She walked over to say hello and thank me for… Continue Reading
Money Money Money August 6, 2006 Mel found this info on the “Green Papers.” I’m not sure if the word green is a reference to money but the page does… Continue Reading
The question before the voters of the Eighth District August 5, 2006 The ten days of my father-in-law’s visit are over. We took him to the Twin Cities to meet his son where Dad will continue his… Continue Reading
Cut and run August 4, 2006 The Washington Post’s David Broder makes a very cogent argument for quitting Iraq. I heard that Tom Friedman of the NY Times, a disillusioned long-time supporter… Continue Reading
Fool me once August 4, 2006 Sullivan found this You tube video from a fellow described by some as a conspiracy crank. Maybe, but when it comes to explaining Dick Cheney’s… Continue Reading
Why politicians are clueless August 4, 2006 After yesterday’s heroic efforts to pull off a parade; a day that kept me busy from 6AM until my final post at midnight; I… Continue Reading
I luv a parade August 3, 2006 It was worth it. From lining up six entries behind Rod Grams gas guzzling bus and fending off Rod Grams’s passive-aggressive supporter who smiled sweetly… Continue Reading
LWV August 3, 2006 I answered the League of Women Voter’s questionnaire tonight. I’d started filling it out a couple days ago but kept getting interrupted. They asked… Continue Reading