A very Republican thing for me to do

From the Cox News Service last Thursday. 

‘”It’s a virtual certainty that Republicans will lose House and Senate seats in the Nov. 7 midterm elections,” Charlie Cook, one of the capital’s best known political handicappers, reports in his latest Cook Political Report newsletter.

“The only question is whether those losses will be small (single digits in the House, one or two in the Senate), medium (10-14 in the House, three to five in the Senate), large (15-20 in the House, six in the Senate, with control shifting in both chambers) or extra large (more than 20 in the House, seven or eight in the Senate),” he adds.’

I’m an agnostic on the GOP’s prospects this year but they have only themselves to blame.

I called a long time moderate Republican this morning to ask her advice about my campaign. She was surprised, but not horrified, when I told her that I would be caucusing with the Democrats if elected. Actually, this will be a very Republican thing for me to do. Republicans are great believers in consequences.

Since the current crop of Republicans have turned their back on their hero Ronald Reagan’s call for a “big tent” by purging moderates they deserve to be penalized. This in fact seems to be the least of their crimes.

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