I got a letter this morning from the Department of Defense.
They allow candidates to record messages for our troops. It can be accessed by phone. This is what I recorded for them. I was thinking of Andy, a member of our special forces who I used to attend church workcamp with. He shipped out a couple weeks ago.
I’m Harry Welty, the unity party candidate for Congress in Minnesota’s 8th District. I’m the only unity party candidate because, frankly, there is so little unity in America today. I’m really an ex Republican of 35 years running as an independent.
I’m angry that President Bush gambled on Iraq when he wasn’t willing to put enough money behind his gamble for it to pay off. He and I both lived through the Vietnam War only he seems to have learned very little from it. Now we are in a quagmire helping people who never asked us for our help and the American military and Iraqis are both paying a terrible price for Bush’s gamble.
I’m a David taking on two powerful political Goliaths. 32 year incumbent Jim Oberstar who is good at talking Republicans into giving him pork barrel projects and former US Senator Rod Grams who wants back in Congress to put an end to the nasty politics that he helped start when he voted to remove Bill Clinton.
I’ve got more opinions on my website. It is www.welty4congress.org
To all the men and women serving in combat zones beyond America’s borders. Watch your butt because we can’t watch them for you and a little of us dies every time one of you is hurt.
This is Harry Welty, Unity Party candidate for Congress Minnesota’s Eighth District.