and a followup to the last post January 27, 2017 At the last Minnesota School Board’s conference several of Duluth’s school board members ran into a number of the ex JCI “consultants” who helped… Continue Reading
JCI’s satan’s spawn, M David, has struck again – in Prior Lake January 27, 2017 From this month’s City Pages: A consultant sinks its talons into Prior Lake schools for very big money: …….The business of public education has… Continue Reading
Think twice before pushing “send” September 16, 2016 So begins the NY Times piece on panic spreading on Capital Hill as the Russians make public yet another luminaries personal emails: WASHINGTON —… Continue Reading
St. Louis County Schools “Red Plan” August 19, 2016 “district administration refused to provide any clarification, and urged school board members themselves not to respond to the newspaper’s questions.” I probably haven’t mentioned… Continue Reading
With 20 x 20 hindsight April 7, 2016 Supporters of the Red Plan School Board have constantly accused Red Plan critics of misrepresentation of the truth. In fact it has been the… Continue Reading
Dixon’s record passing operating levies October 19, 2015 I have a friend who keeps me abreast of our old Superintendent Keith Dixon. He shared this information with me the other day:… Continue Reading
Some School leaders don’t deserve a polished apple May 23, 2015 At this year’s Minnesota School Board Association conference I noted with interest that during the annual awards ceremony the entire seven member school board… Continue Reading
The Red Plan legacy – Traffic Safety May 10, 2015 Traffic safety at East High which a number of parents have been writing to the school board about since at least the beginning of… Continue Reading
Running down our children May 5, 2015 The School Board has gotten a steady stream of pleas from East High School parents begging that we do something to make their parking… Continue Reading
What I told the Senate Subcommittee on Elections today March 5, 2015 The previous post was meant to be a quick one about my trip to the state capital today so that I could turn in… Continue Reading
March comes in like a lamb and a little demography March 4, 2015 As February came to a close I was set to begin blogging up a storm with some squalls like I had in February. It… Continue Reading
Beyond Patience February 28, 2015 That title is meant to be a joke. Hooray! I’ve got my computer back. Think of it as my Thor’s Hammer. I can almost… Continue Reading
Two gratifying emails February 11, 2015 I felt a lot better cranking out those posts yesterday. They are still just a fraction of what I am eager to write about… Continue Reading
Prescience February 10, 2015 I was looking for a link on LD to a post that mentioned Gary Glass’s recommendation to refinance our borrowing to save money. It… Continue Reading
The tax payers small Red Windfall February 10, 2015 Its always nice to see the “Red Plan” mentioned in a news story as it was today. The 2008 bonds will be refinanced if… Continue Reading
“Where this blog is headed” revisited – plus a little piss and vinegar February 10, 2015 Lincoln democrat is 108 months old minus a week or two. This is its 12,830th post. Its the diary I share with whoever is… Continue Reading
How to create implacable foes February 1, 2015 The answer is simple. Be really, really, really uncivil to them. I’m astounded at my tenacity and that of Loren Martell and Art Johnston…. Continue Reading
My blog is a treasure chest January 21, 2015 In the previous post I did a search of my blog for mentions of Kevin Rupp. The first two mentions go back to 2009… Continue Reading
MSBA Notes 2 – The Incredible Shrinking School District January 18, 2015 I have the terrible gift of prophecy where the Duluth Schools are concerned. Much that has happened since the uber ambitious Red Plan was… Continue Reading
Rupp si daisy January 16, 2015 I had planned to go back to my notes to reconstruct my nine objections to retaining Kevin Rupp’s firm. I outlined them at our… Continue Reading