For Vic November 7, 2010 I like Obama. I think cap and trade is mostly a sham. I favor taxing carbon fuels to promote alternatives. I think Al Gore… Continue Reading
An environmental study in wintertime? October 27, 2010 A point made in the story on the environmental suit just registered with me. The District’s pals evaluated the new Western Middle School site… Continue Reading
Mercury abatement – Mercury August 4, 2010 In a previous post an in the previous clip from the forum I made a mistake. Moments after I said Minnesota Power had spend… Continue Reading
Putting the latest eco disaster in context July 30, 2010 McCardle’s reaction The upshot (which I don’t disagree with): “Mind you, this is not an argument for letting it happen; I’m not a fan… Continue Reading
Forget the oil spill July 29, 2010 If you want to see evidence of changes in the Earth that pose a real threat read this. Continue Reading
First the good news … June 23, 2010 The consumer world is such a cornucopia of cheap goodies that it makes my mind spin. At the most basic level food particularly high… Continue Reading
50 Days June 22, 2010 That’s the number of days Rep Margaret Keliher’s recent email to supporters said lay ahead to the hotly contested DFL Gubenatorial primary. That’s how… Continue Reading
The turtle people June 21, 2010 I’ve had a strong identification with Old Abe since I told my Mom I thought I was homely in junior high and she told… Continue Reading
So much for the GOP alternative to the Obama Gulf oil plan June 17, 2010 The Republicans can’t seem to agree. Classic anti-Obama quote from Republican Congressman Barton: “It is a tragedy of the first proportion that a private… Continue Reading
Long pauses, huh? June 16, 2010 Is Gov. Palin a really small woman or is that one huge American flag lapel pin? Continue Reading
More on Chemistry June 16, 2010 Those mysterious chemical dispersants which are being used to break up the oil could have unwanted future effects. Remember Agent Orange? Continue Reading
4 minutes a day June 16, 2010 I was looking for the latest aerial picture of the Gulf with oil in it. The pictures I’ve already seen give me a graphic… Continue Reading
What the hell happened on the Deep Water Horizon June 15, 2010 An excellent and gripping account of the BP Oil Disaster. A small armada of oil skimmers and service boats are puttering about the Gulf… Continue Reading
That last post June 12, 2010 I don’t want anybody to get the wrong idea about that last post. I’m still a big fan of Obama. I said as much… Continue Reading
Obama’s not blameless on oil blowout but we share blame June 11, 2010 That’s the gist of an 8,000 word Rolling Stone article. The gist is a quick summary of the article: A sample: In May 2000,… Continue Reading
My piece of the oil business June 11, 2010 I found this op ed piece in the Wall Street Journal. It comes from an executive of the Oil and Gas company that manages… Continue Reading
The real bird eradicator June 11, 2010 Birds in wind mills or oil spills. Ain’t nothin compared to Climate change. The State of the Birds: 2010 Report on Climate Change, follows… Continue Reading
When cost cutting costs more June 11, 2010 The first good explanation I’ve read of the technological side of deep ocean oil drilling. It does nothing to exonerate B.P. Those poor British… Continue Reading