It’s been a really warm March March 19, 2012 It could be a very warm 21st Century: By the 2060’s, if carbon-cycle feedbacks prove to be strong, the world could be 4°C warmer,… Continue Reading
Pour Greenland in the ocean and… March 19, 2012 …this interactive map doesn’t even show you half the effect. It took a while for it to engage but it only goes up to… Continue Reading
Was all the low domestic spending by the GOP… March 15, 2012 …just a way to allow the nation to fall into disrepair? We’re now ranked 23rd in the world in terms of infrastructure. The American… Continue Reading
Windmills are great… February 10, 2012 —but people who demonize all nuclear generation of electricity remind me of our great grandparents who tried to block the new-fangled electrical outlets installed… Continue Reading
Maybe I won’t be seeing much of anything … January 31, 2012 …in the Everglades today. Continue Reading
While the GOP claims Obama is regulating the Economy into ruin… September 17, 2011 …his go-to guys were busy depleting Ozone in order to keep it humming. Meanwhile that huge Ozone hole in the Antarctic has been joined… Continue Reading
Pro-lifers might be offended by Brazil’s… September 6, 2011 … fascinating example. Population scholars like Jose’ Alberto Carvalho maintain a lively argument about the multiple components of Brazil’s fertility plunge. (“Don’t let anybody… Continue Reading
Let’s dump taconite tailings in Lake Superior again… September 1, 2011 …to keep government off the back of business. Go Chip. “The state’s regulations, aimed at thwarting the spread of invasive species that hitchhike in… Continue Reading
In the image of God August 16, 2011 We who have been given dominion over the land and sea have God-like powers to make the world a wasteland. According to the Bible… Continue Reading
Turds on fire July 29, 2011 This single fire which burned for three months in 2007 (and which I never heard of) released the equivalent of the the entire Arctic’s… Continue Reading
I love lamb. I love good blog feedback July 20, 2011 This is a blog post where the many replies put the original post in perspective. As for lamb. People who haven’t grown up with… Continue Reading
Poor polar bears July 6, 2011 Minnesota is a real hot spot. Arizona too and its not just firestorms. Continue Reading
Where are all the girls… July 5, 2011 Dr. Science weighs in: It’s often said that humans are the only creatures who know they’re going to die, but I think it’s more… Continue Reading
Don’t blame people . . . May 20, 2011 . . . Polar bears. are passing too much gas. “On current trends, the Arctic will be entirely ice-free in September by about 2016,… Continue Reading
JCI could sell them air conditioners February 14, 2011 I’m nearly done reading my fifth or sixth book on the lands “Down Under.” This one is a very nice accompaniment to In Tasmania… Continue Reading
High tide February 1, 2011 I’ve been paying close attention to both my east and west for the past few weeks. To the East the biggest political movement since… Continue Reading
In the light of night November 11, 2010 When the street light went out across the street a couple weeks ago I woke up to find my second Grafitti paint job of… Continue Reading