A very Republican thing for me to do August 7, 2006 From the Cox News Service last Thursday. ‘”It’s a virtual certainty that Republicans will lose House and Senate seats in the Nov. 7 midterm elections,”… Continue Reading
If the GOP is in the dumps how bout the Dems. July 22, 2006 One Democrat’s insights. Continue Reading
Bill’s Bills of Impeachment July 16, 2006 Vic challenges my latest posting? “I don’t remember that any of the articles of impeachment were for Clinton cheating on his wife. However, perhaps… Continue Reading
Republican and Democratic Civil Wars July 9, 2006 Today’s Sunday Trib had side by side stories about the civil wars going on in both the Republican and Democratic Parties. Long past are… Continue Reading
GOP defections from the Sunflower State June 4, 2006 From NPR this morning: a story about how moderate Republicans are switching to the Democratic Party in Kansas after years of being ostracized by… Continue Reading
Howard Dean Duhs it again May 22, 2006 DNC backs Landreiu to dump Nagin but fails despite a 6 to 1 spending advantage. Continue Reading
and Bush saved us from Clinton? May 14, 2006 President Bush and the GOP reveled in the self righteousness proclamation that they brought integrity back to the nation. Do Americans agree with that… Continue Reading
Will Democratic Demons sabotage Democratic Hopes? May 9, 2006 Thomas Lifson editor of “The American Thinker” writes this short piece on the anger of the Democratic Party’s “secularist fundamentalists.” Over the weekend I… Continue Reading
Leveling the playing field May 1, 2006 I heard it said today on NPR that if the Democrats can’t take Congress back this year they’ll never do it. It’s not too… Continue Reading
Lesson in the Sub Caucus System April 22, 2006 Like the Republicans the Democrats that met at Woodland Junior High managed to put the platform on the backburner. In the case of the… Continue Reading
Scots-Irish vote? April 19, 2006 Popular Republican Senator George Allen commands a 20 percent lead in the Virginia polls right now. His likely Democratic challenger is the prolific author… Continue Reading
The Religious Left April 5, 2006 I started a post earlier today about how the Roves, Abramofs, Reeds, DeLays etc. have betrayed the earnest Christians who have followed them into… Continue Reading
Bush Popularity November 2004 to March 2006 March 30, 2006 Bush red states November 2004 Bush red states March 2006 I forecast this. Nonetheless, Democrats can’t take anything for granted. Continue Reading
A Bill Clinton Republican March 28, 2006 I made a big deal out of voting for Bill Clinton in 1992. The Trib quoted me on its front page promising to vote… Continue Reading