Bad Luck

I had to call Tim Grover last Tuesday to find out when the School Board met. Eight years on the Board and I had completely forgotten the meeting time. That’s how much distance I had put between myself and the Board in the last four years. I must admit that I’m very surprised how much I’m enjoying the politics again. (Remember – “politics” is rooted in the Greek languange and according to Wikipedia Aristotle himself said: “that man is, by nature, a political animal. He argued that ethics and politics are closely linked, and that a truly ethical life can only be lived by someone who participates in politics.”)

Of course, after watching the now 12-man Mayor’s race developing its hard to think of local politics as a particularly high-minded endeavor. After my solo at church (I told our choir director that everybody ought to sing a solo by the time they were 56) I saw a couple politicos at Sara’s Table. They commented that they had seen I was in the race but one of them, Will Munger Jr., pointed out that if I’d filed for Mayor there would have been 13 candidates. I told them that there was already enough bad luck to go around without my running for Mayor. Besides, if I’m counting right, this is already my 13th run at public office. Thirteen doubled would have been more bad luck than I could stand.

We got a much needed rainy day Sunday which soaked into the bare wood I’d exposed on my windows after sanding them in preparation for a new coat of paint. I let Claudia and her Father watch all our newly installed cable channels while I made some phone calls to Faribault to get a sense of our Superintendent’s past there. Keith Dixon pulled off a big bond referendum while there but it seems to have had unfortunate repercussions for the District. It could be a harbinger of Duluth’s future (should we have to pay for the Red Plan) and bears more research and analysis.

I think I’ll have some interesting stories to report as the research continues.

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