Where my Grandfather shed his blood in the fight to save Democracy

I set this painting easle up to display the 1938 US Battle Monuments Commission map of the sector where my Grandfather earned his Congressional Medal of Honor. Its one of the many pieces of documentation I’ve collected over the years that attach to my Grandfather Robb’s life. This year I’ve collected a lot more courtesy of Dr. Jeffry Sammons who reasearched that history for a speech earlier this year at the Kansas City WW 1 Museum.

I am having a hard time not paying waaay too much attention to the Presidential Campaign so that I “bark at the moon” as my Buddy would describe it in the blog. Its not to change anyone else’s mind but to leave a little record of how I feel about this election. Doing so is interferring with my attention to the material on my Grandfatehr which I finally have put together in a single location resting on the floor behind me in my office.

I’ve also directed my attention this week to a couple of school board meetings. At yesterday’s Education Committee meeting I could barely croak out my questions as I was overcome with a nasty chest cold. Chapperoning my Grandson’s trip to a first grade field trip to a farm probably didn’t help. No church choir practice for me tonight…….croak.

Oh, and yesterday a reader sent me instructions on how to embed a youtube video at a particular location: Here is where I began to croak:

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