time to breath

Sorry to ignore the blog but stopping the Red Plan has forced me to work on greater priorities. I may get a breather now. Claudia will be out of town helping her daughter with the new baby for two weeks. I’ll have 18 hours a day to play politics not just 10.

I drank caffien all day yesterday and had one more sleepless night. (I’ve got to stop doing that) My destination today was the Twin Cities to get another gander at my grandson and to tell my Mother that she is now a great-grandmother. Nothing political. But before I left I got an email which said that that Education Commissioner Alice Seagren had told Ralph Doty that the School Board didn’t need to bother with a referendum.

I hadn’t heard the story on KDAL but this news was as good as a shot of double espresso. I jotted down ten phone numbers before leaving and spent the ride down trying not too weave too badly as I sought intelligence and strategized. Eventually, I concluded that this was an overstatement of Seagren’s remarks. Her staff assured me that no decision had been handed down or would be for several weeks. Thank Goodness.

However, it seems ever more likely that the Red Plan will win reluctant approval. That is why a second strategy must be put into place, one that will give Johnson Controls lawyers fits. The key is in the Superintendent’s previous comments. But I’m not giving their lawyers any heads up. We need a couple days to plan this out. If our rate of generating volunteers keeps increasing it will be a cinch although it may be complicated to explain. Later.

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