“Dear Fellow Sufferers” November 5, 2017 The paper version of the DNT today ended its extensive letters to the editor with an unintentionally funny critique of me from a Mr…. Continue Reading
The blame game October 25, 2017 The public is about to get two really grim reports about the finances of the Duluth Schools in coming days. I’ll give my eight… Continue Reading
The Trib – today October 23, 2017 Time for me to door knock again but first a nod to the Trib. Art was treated fairly in the Front page story about… Continue Reading
Does reporting the words and deeds of an elected official constitute “sexism” if the official is a female … October 20, 2017 … and the reporter is a male? Or, vice versa? Last night Rosie Loeffler-Kemp and I attended the Chamber of Commerce’s Pat ourselves on… Continue Reading
Ho Hum October 18, 2017 The Tribune’s editors continue in their dreary analysis and endorsements. Rosie Loeffler-Kemp who was a major reason for the ugliness that cost me an… Continue Reading
I do not envy Congressman Nolan October 17, 2017 This news story surprised me today. Annie Harala who is stepping down from the School Board; it has been rumored for health considerations; has… Continue Reading
A tale of two reporters October 14, 2017 Today’s Trib story about the School Board candidates speaking at the Chamber of Commerce Forum was covered by two reporters. Normally Jana Hollingsworth covers… Continue Reading
Don’t let the cats out! Meow – Meow, Meow, Meow – Meow! October 10, 2017 One of my constant fears as I go door to door is letting pets loose – especially on warm days when folks have their… Continue Reading
TUTORIAL ON A HARRY WELTY CAMPAIGN PART 6 October 9, 2017 I explained that long time West Duluth Representative Mike Jaros, would be the seed pearl of my next tutorial. But first let me check… Continue Reading
Tutorial on a Harry Welty campaign Part 3 October 7, 2017 This is a close up of the front and back of my lit package for this campaign. I work very hard to make sure… Continue Reading
Its sunny again so why am I not out going door to door? October 4, 2017 Because I’m juggling right now. I just came back from the offices of the News Tribune where the Education Reporter had scheduled a half… Continue Reading
No Kaboom September 30, 2017 As the work on Fourth Street in front of my house proceeded yesterday morning I walked out to make sure the base of my… Continue Reading
The DNT tosses my column in the circular file September 29, 2017 The Trib won’t run my column after all. According to Editor Chuck Frederick it was too much like this post from a couple days… Continue Reading
How are Donald Trump and the News Tribune Editors similar? September 26, 2017 In the first case: the US has suffered at least four straight climate crises, the fires out west and Hurricanes pounding Huston, Florida and… Continue Reading
CAMPAIGN PHOTO – DAY 60 AND COUNTING DOWN September 7, 2017 This is the Lowell School where the League of Women’s Voters held the at-large candidate’s forum. I counted 36 people in attendance. Subtract the… Continue Reading
Gary Westorff has a grievance September 5, 2017 Gary is one of the Education Minnesota union leaders and was rumored to be likely to file for the Duluth School Board election. He… Continue Reading
The Siren song of the lotus flower September 1, 2017 As a child I was quite taken with Greek Myths. Reading the Odyssey in junior high I thought long and hard about the sailors… Continue Reading
I’ve never met a school board candidate who didn’t want to help educate children… August 30, 2017 … So what? The last ten year’s worth of Duluth School Board members reduced the local taxes going into our classrooms from $14 million… Continue Reading
Back when Republicans were likeable August 30, 2017 The long planned E 4th street project has finally reached my home’s intersection on 21st. Avenue. Its a noisy mess which has been plagued… Continue Reading
Float like a butterfly . . . August 28, 2017 For reasons that passeth my understanding I have been unable lately to upload my cell phone pics to the blog from my Flickr account…. Continue Reading