MY lawnsigns MO is this. I park my car. I grab a handful of lawnsigns in one hand and clutch a folder with my flyer. I start in one direction and proceed for a few blocks and as lawnsigns are taken I switch to the other side of the street and head back to the car where I’ll be able to replensish signs if they run out. Then I keep going in the other direction until I start running out of signs at which point I cross the street again and head back to the car. Then I drive a few blocks past where the car was the first time and do it all over again.
I spent almost four hot hours doing this today. I was over dressed with a dark long sleeve shirt. I had some very interesting conversations on East Superior Street where six years ago my lawnsigns were almost every other house. Sadly it seems that a large number of the old residents seem to have moved out with the coming of East High.
A few I talked to were pleased that the East Students were better behaved than they had expected. One long time resident did say the parking and pulling over when school began or let out was a safety nightmare. He commented however that it was the parents who were the real threat in their haste to accomplish a hasty drop off and pick up.