Rooms a mess, What to do?

Five or six days ago my office was spotless. How quickly spotless deteriorates. All the mini projects related to my campaigning have left the office littered with untended and unfiled paper. Photographs of snow sculptures are sorted on the floor waiting for me to finish scanning them to a computer file. The latest newspapers awaiting clipping spill over my desk. Yeeesh!

In the meantime I’m keen to continue writing my history though snow sculpting – I must read the edits offered me by Liam who has been scandalized by my typos, misspellings, and faulty punctuation on the campaign webpage (never mind the blog) – I must file a campaign report as I’ve just tipped over the $750 spending limit that requires a report after some number days (all my money so far)- And for crying out loud I feel compelled to respond in the blog to a recent flood of candidate letters and appeals in the good ole Duluth News Tribune.

My back’s killing me. It has been for a few months and I blame being hunched over my laptop typing away mindlessly on all the minutia that I find so intriguing for the aches. I woke up after my fourth excellent night’s sleep in a row (thank God the humidity fell) at four and took a stroll in the early morning dark up Woodland Avenue to the new apartments and ducked in the brand new walkway to UMD. Its great and will limit the room for the local deer to breed, feed and roam.

I won’t let my infirmities get the better of me. With back straight sitting on an excercise ball before my computer (I enjoy bouncing on it to give my sacroiliac a massage) I will forge on littering the field with unhappy people who will not appreciate my opining about their campaigns or predilections. On the the next post!

PS. I wish I could find the spell check on this software.

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