Yesterday I went to the volunteer appreciation lunch at our Soup Kitchen, the Damiano Center, and won a fruit basket in a drawing. Claudia and I enjoyed a tasty fruit salad last night. This morning the three remaining and over ripe bananas had to be tossed or turned into banana bread so I mashed em up and baked a loaf. The kitchen smells very pleasant.
I’ve been thinking about what to do next. Claudia told me in no uncertain terms that I had to check with her before I rush out on any more jousting matches with windmills. I’ve decided that early morning blogging drains away some of my most alert hours, hours I could use in writing my book. Consequently my blogging may soon become more of an afternoon activity. It will also reveal my careless attitude about editing as my faithful proof reader for the past several months, Mel, has officially resigned. Sadly this may also mean that no one but me will bother to read lincolndemocrat any more.
I’m not alone in the blogging universe. My Google alerts have recently been sending me notices for blogs and I’ve discovered a small galaxy of Minnesota blogs. We’re all casting our light out into the void.